Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

General Information

What is the 1099-NEC?

The IRS replaced 1099-MISC Box 7 with the 1099-NEC form in tax year 2020. Any wages formerly reported in Box 7 now go into the 1099-NEC Box 1. You can also report federal tax withheld in Box 4 of the 1099-NEC. The 1099-NEC is due to the IRS by January 31. 1099-NEC instructions.

Does the 1099-MISC still exist?

The 1099-MISC still has all boxes other than Box 7. The box numbers after box 7 have been shuffled around, but otherwise, it is the same, just missing Nonemployee compensation. It is now due to the IRS by April 1. IRS 1099 General Instructions.

I've forgotten my password and security question. How do I get a new password?

Please email us at from the account that needs the new password. Send us a Payer name, EIN and the names of two recipients. If they match what we have on file, we will send a new password.

What if I need to fill out a tax year 2019 or prior 1099-MISC or NEC?

The 1099-NEC does not exist for years prior to 2020, so you will only use the NEC from tax year 2020 going forward. The IRS now has two versions of the 1099-MISC. You will use the new version for tax year 2020 and forward, while using the old version for tax years 2019 and prior.

How do I do corrections for the two versions of 1099-MISC?

With Track1099, you only have to follow our normal e-corrections process. If you change Box 7 on a tax year 2019 or earlier 1099-MISC, we will properly submit the corrected 1099-MISC to the IRS.

What about state filings for 1099-NEC? Does it participate in the Combined Federal State filing program?

The 1099-NEC was included in the CFS starting in tax year 2021, though it was not in CFS in tax year 2020.

Do I need to file a 1096 or W-3, if filing electronically?

No, and please DO NOT mail in our "For Info Only" 1096 that we give you as part of your downloads. If you mail it in, the IRS will be expecting paper 1099 filings from you and will send you mail saying that they did not receive your paper filings. So, please, do not mail in any 1096 forms. According to General 1099 instructions, Part E, a 1096 is not needed for e-filed 1099s. Neither is a W-3 required when e-filing according to W-2/W-3 Instructions page 2, column 2 under Business Services Online (BSO).

Why should I schedule e-file to the IRS for March rather than now?

For forms other than W-2 or 1099-NEC, by waiting until March, you can get feedback from your Recipients and make any changes to the form before it's sent to the IRS. This greatly reduces the need for official Corrections. W-2 and 1099-NEC are due to the IRS by January 31.

Can I enter all zeros if I don't know the Recipient's SSN?

To avoid IRS penalities, it is highly recommended that you use our online W-9 service to obtain a valid TIN before e-filing. If you cannot, select "I don't know the TIN" in the form and we'll fill in blanks for you. You'll then receive a form CP2100 from the IRS later in the year.

What is the minimum charge to file with Track1099?

There is no minimum price; you only pay for the forms you e-file. If you need to file just one, we only charge you for one.

When are 1099-NEC and W-2 forms due?

1099-NEC and W-2 forms must be delivered to recipients by January 31 and to the IRS by January 31.

When are 1099-series due?

All 1099-series forms except 1099-NEC must be delivered to recipients by January 31 and to the IRS by April 1.

When are 1042-S due?

Form 1042-S must be e-filed to the IRS and e-delivered or postal mailed to the recipient by March 15. You may e-deliver, if the Recipient has a foreign TIN (Box 13i) or US TIN. You can also postal mail to Recipients.

Do you file the 1042 for us?

We now support e-filing the 1042 in addition to the 1042-S which includes the 1042-T.

What is the actual IRS wording regarding e-delivery to Recipients and Employees?

From the IRS General 1099 instructions, page 17: "Post, on or before the due date, the applicable statement on a website accessible to the recipient through October 15 of that year. Inform the recipient, electronically or by mail, of the posting and how to access and print the statement." The same statement for W-2s is found in IRS Pub. 1141, page 16.

Do you e-file 940, 941, 943, 944 or 945?

We do not offer IRS e-file for these forms at this time. You may create them, enter data, then print, sign and mail them yourself to the IRS. Tax pros may also e-deliver to their client, who may then print, sign, and mail to the IRS.

Do you mail 940, 941, 943, 944 or 945 to the IRS?

We do not mail on your behalf since it needs a signature. You may print, sign and mail.

I'm a returning client - where is my prior tax year information?

Please click on the desired year at the top of the the All Payers nav bar.

Can we e-file and e-deliver for previous years?

Yes, you can file original IRS returns for previous years. If you need to do a correction, you may only e-correct prior years if you e-filed the original with us that year. At the top of the "All Payers" nav bar, click on the desired year you wish to e-file.

Why are the SSN/EINs's x'd out?

The full SSN/EINs are stored encrypted in our database. We only show you the last 4 for security reasons. You may re-enter all nine digits at any point.

Can I file corrected 1099-series, W-2s or 1095-Cs if I filed using a different service?

Unfortunately, no, you may not. Please try us next year for e-file.

How do I change a recipient's form from say, a 1099-MISC to a 1099-NEC?

It's not possible to change the form type directly. Delete or void the incorrect form first. Then, create a new form of the right type for that recipient using 2. Add New Recipient -> (select from the drop down). See the next question for how to delete or void the incorrect form.

How do I void or correct Recipient info for 1099-series, 1095-C or W-2 after it's been sent to the IRS?

If you e-filed the original form with us, you may login, make the changes to that recipient and click Save. Enter zeros in the boxes, if you wish to void the form. We'll automatically resend to the IRS and re-email to the recipient. You don't have to do anything else unless you postal mailed, in which case you'll need to print and mail the corrected form. Click here for detailed instructions.

How do I correct Payer's info after it's been sent to the IRS?

1099-series Payers cannot be e-corrected after sending them to the IRS, but can be corrected via postal mail. Click here for detailed instructions. For W-2 Payer changes, login, click on the small pencil icon next to the Payer name, then the orange W-2 bar at the bottom. Make your Payer changes in the drop down menu and click Save. For 1094-B/C ACA changes, you may login, click on the purple or grey bar at the bottom of the Payer form, make your changes, click Save and we'll automatically resend to the IRS.

How do I fix ACA Rejected or Accepted with Errors?

You were sent an email by us explaining the specific error the IRS returned. Please look up that email, then login and make the necessary changes. For Recipient TIN Mismatch, either the name or SSN does not match what the IRS has on file. Middle initials do not matter. For Payers, please use the Legal Name, not the DBA. Once Saved, we'll automtically resend to the IRS.

What are the IRS penalties if I file late?

The IRS has myriad forms, each with different penalties. Please see the IRS instructions for your specific form to understand more about the penalties.

How does 2-step verification for login work?

You can opt in for 2-step verification to make your account more secure. You will have to download an app such as Google Authenticator to your mobile device in order to use our method. We don't use email or text messaging since they are less secure. Once you've installed the app, open it and click "+" or "add" to add Track1099. You'll then scan a QR code using the device's camera that we'll present you on our site when you sign up. After the QR code is scanned, you'll then enter a 6-digit number that is found on your device. That completes your device registration. When you login, we'll ask you to enter a 6-digit code from the app on your device. This code changes frequently. You can only use one device for registration.

E-File to the IRS and E-Delivery to Recipients, Paper mail to Recipients

Can I e-file with the IRS even if I'm missing a Recipient email address?

Yes, you'll still be allowed to E-file with the IRS. Use the E-file tab on the horizontal menu. You will not be able to e-deliver to the Recipient, so will need to use Mail or Download to print, then mail.

How do I print and mail forms?

After scheduling and paying for e-file, go to your Payer, select Mail on the nav bar. You have two options to download PDFs for those missing email and those who have email, but have not yet Accepted e-delivery. You may print on plain paper. Our format fits double-windowed, #10 envelopes.

When do you postal mail forms?

You may print and mail yourself for no additional charge. Avalara submits mailing everyday around 9pm Pacific. To ensure your mailings are postmarked by January 31st, please have them scheduled by January 27th 9pm Pacific.

Can I schedule the date I'd like my postal mail sent?

At this time, you cannot select the postal mail date during January to April. Your forms will automatically be postal mailed during our next batch. See the exact dates on our Pricing page.

Do you offer address verification?

Yes, we offer address verification for $0.07 per form.

Do you offer a TIN Match service?

Yes, we offer a TIN Match service for $0.45 per form. We offer you the option during e-file checkout. The form types that are allowed by the IRS to use TIN Matching are 1099-NEC, MISC, B, DIV, INT, K, OID and PATR. We compare name, TIN type and TIN against the IRS database. All three must match to get a "pass", else you'll get a "fail". The IRS will not allow you to find a correct SSN using this service.

How do I preview my forms?

We don't show the PDF going to recipients until after you schedule e-file, but you may preview the data for accuracy via a CSV file. In the All Payers table, go to the CSV column on the right side and click the download icon for the Payer you wish to download. Or, click on the Payer name, then Downloads, then the Preview download button. Another option is to pay for e-file and schedule the IRS send date in the future. Then you can download the PDFs.

Is my form sent instantaneously to the IRS?

Please schedule your e-file to the IRS after your Recipient e-delivery so you may get feedback from your Recipients and make any needed changes before e-filing. We send out forms to the IRS and Recipients each day around 8pm PST.

What if I'm late? Can I still e-file?

Yes, you may e-file through Nov. 23 each year. The IRS is closed to 1099 e-filing from that time until early January.

How does e-delivery work?

We do not attach the PDF form to the email, instead we send the recipient an email with an secure link in it. Clicking on the link takes them to an encrypted site on our web server where we ask them to enter the last 4 of their Tax ID number to confirm their identity. If those last 4 match what is on their form, we send them to a secure page where they see their form and may download it as a PDF.

How does 1042-S e-delivery work?

As above, except the recipient may use the last 4 of either their US Tax ID or foreign Tax ID (Box 13i). If you entered both, they can use either. If you have neither, you'll have to postal mail.

Do you get consent from the recipient for electronic delivery?

Yes, we include the mandated IRS wording with regard to consent to receive forms electronically in the email we send to the recipients. If they click on the button to retrive their form in the email, they have given consent. See our Screenshots for an example email.

How do I know if my recipient or the IRS received my filings?

Our All Payers dashboard gives you a status overview of all of your Payers and Recipients. To drill down into more detail, select the Payer name, then Forms Summary in the horizontal menu. For the IRS and Recipient, it'll proceed from Scheduled->Sent->Accepted.

What if the recipient doesn't accept e-delivery?

If the recipient status remains at emailed, then they haven't retrieved it. You may login and resend the email. If they never retrieve it, we suggest that you mail them a paper copy.

What does BAD TIN mean?

A BAD TIN flag for Recipient e-delivery is unrelated to the IRS TIN and if the TIN is correct. What it means is that the recipient entered a different last 4 digits when trying to retrieve their form than what you have on file. Please contact the recipient to determine why they entered a different last 4. Then login and re-enter all nine digits of their TIN, even if it's the same number. Click Save and we will resend the email.

How do I change an email address and resend the form?

Easy - select the Payer Name, then Forms Summary in the nav bar, select the desired recipient, change the email address and click Done at the bottom. We will automatically resend the email that day.

How do I resend an email to the recipient to retrieve the form?

In All Payers, click on the Payer name then Forms Summary->select their name, select Re-send Email on the right. We will resend the email immediately.

How do I print out just one recipient's form to mail it?

Click on the Payer Name, then Forms Summary->select their name, select Print Form on the right. The PDF will download immediately.

Why does a Track1099 form look different from a regular form?

We use an IRS-acceptable substitute form to make the forms more concise. See IRS Pub. 1179, 1141, and 5223 for further information.

Can I e-file incrementally, as I get information?

Yes, no problem. You do not need to e-file all of your forms at once.

How do I enter a Payer or Recipient name longer than 40 characters?

Any characters beyond 40 can be entered in the "Second name" line for either Payer or Recipient.

How do I download a PDF or CSV of all my forms for my records?

Login and select Download on the horizontal menu.

State E-filing and File Downloads

Do you offer a State e-file service?

Yes, we offer state e-filing for the current tax year only for an extra $1.49 per form for select states that have additional 1099 filing requirements beyond the Combined Federal State filing program. See our State Info page for more details on state requirements and which states we support.

How do I know if I have additional state filing requirements?

We will automatically determine if any of your Payers or recipients need additional state filing after you pay for IRS e-file and then prompt you to do state e-filing.

What about those states who have requirements, but you don't yet offer an e-file service?

We provide state files under the Download tab for no additional charge that you can upload to the states yourself. See our State Info page for more details on state requirements and links to specific state web sites for submitting the files.

Do I have to use your state e-file service or can I send state files myself?

Our state e-file service is optional. We provide state files under the Download tab for no additional charge. You can upload them to the states yourself. See our State Info page for more details on state requirements and links to specific state web sites for submitting the files.

Why were my state files rejected?

Please see the bottom of our State Info page for help troubleshooting rejection notices.

Affordable Care Act (ACA) Forms and Corrections

When are ACA 1094-B and 1095-B due?

The due date to Recipients is March 1. The 1094-B and 1095-B are due to the IRS by April 1.

When are ACA 1094-C and 1095-C due?

The due date to Recipients is March 1. The 1094-C and 1095-C are due to the IRS by April 1.

Do I need to file a 1094-C transmittal form with my 1095-C forms?

Track1099 automatically includes the 1094-C with your submission.

How do I make a correction to my ACA 1094-C or 1095-C form?

Click here for instructions.

When are ACA corrections due?

The IRS has not set a firm due date for ACA corrections. They have said to submit them in a "timely" manner.

Canada T4A

When is the T4A due?

T4As must be delivered to the Canada Revenue Agency and recipients by February 29..

Do I need to file a T4A summary form with my T4A forms?

Track1099 automatically includes the T4A summary with your e-file submission.

Deleting, Receipts

How do I delete a form?

Click the Payer name, select Forms Summary from the horizontal menu. In the table at the top, next to the word Recipient, click on Delete... Follow directions from there. You may only delete a Recipient if their info has not been sent to the IRS, otherwise you have to file a Correction. See Corrections on the top nav bar.

You may also click on a Recipient's name and then the Delete button on their form.

How do I delete a Payer?

Select All Payers in the nav bar. In the table at the top of column one, click Delete... then click on the box next to the Payer's name, then the trash can icon at the top of column one. You will then type "delete" in the confirmation box. If the Payer is locked, you cannot delete it.

Why do I have duplicate Payers?

1) If you are importing from QBO, or Xero, do NOT use the Import from Last year or Transfer from W-9s option. Those three import features will result in duplicate payers. 2) Always import from Last Year first and then Import from W-9s. That order will result in a single Payer rather than two. You can always delete the duplicate Payer or, if you have recipients in them, it is okay to have duplicate versions of the same Payer. We will still send any recipients in them to the IRS as normal.

Can I combine duplicate Payers?

At this time, you cannot merge recipients into a single Payer, but see above for techniques to avoid creating duplicate Payers.

How do I get a receipt for my payments?

Login and in the upper right gear menu, select Receipt. You may download a PDF or CSV of transactions or by Payer. For prior year receipts, click on the desired year in the Nav bar, then Receipts in the drop down menu.

Importing Data

How do I import many forms at once?

Login, select the Track1099 button, Import Data on the right side of the All Payers nav bar, then the CSV button. For 1099-NEC and MISC, we have several integrated accounting software partners and our CSV template that you can choose from the Import Data page. For all other forms, we offer the CSV template.

Do you offer a 1099 API?

Yes, we do, for all form types. We wrap a REST-ful API around our recipient CSV templates, allowing developers to submit both Payer and recipient info via API. See our API documents for more details.

How do I copy previous year's data into 2024?

Select 2024 in the nav bar. Select Import Data from the horizontal menu then "Import from prior year's Track1099."

Do I need to create a Payer before importing?

If you're importing from a Partner or last year's Track1099' we import the Payer info, so no need to create one. For CSV files, you may create a Payer before importing, but if not, we'll create a New CSV Payer for you that you can then edit.

Do I have to enter dashes in the SSN or EIN?

No, dashes do not matter to the IRS. With a CSV import, if you leave the TIN TYPE column blank, we will assume an EIN for a single dash and an SSN if there are either two dashes or no dashes.

Why did my CSV amounts upload wrong?

Please re-download the correct CSV template, then enter one line of recipient information. Re-import and see if that fixed the issue. See above for how to delete forms or payers.

Do you support QuickBooks Desktop for importing 1099-NEC or MISC?

Due to recent changes in QB Desktop with respect to the 1099-NEC, we no longer support a direct 1099 import. You may export your 1099 Detail Report to a CSV file, make a few format changes, and upload using our 1099-NEC or 1099-MISC CSV template.

Do you support QuickBooks Online for importing 1099-NEC or MISC?

Yes, we do. When you import, you can choose which form and which box you wish the totals to be mapped to. Each import can only do one form and one box at a time, so if you have recipients going to different forms or boxes, you will do multiple imports. Please see our QBO Importing video at the bottom of our Home page.

How can I enter many Payers at once via CSV?

To enter multiple Payers via CSV, after login, select 1. Add New Payer, then at the bottom, Add Many Payers at once.

How do I edit the Payer's info?

Two ways: 1) in All Payers, click on the small pencil icon next to the Payer name or 2) click on the Payer name, then 1. Payer in the nav bar.

With a CSV import, should I create a Payer first?

Not necessarily. We'll create a "New CSV Payer" for you and add all of your forms to it. You may then edit the New CSV Payer and put in your actual Payer information. However, if you already have a Payer created, click on that Payer's name, then Import Data in the nav bar. We'll import the CSV data into that Payer.

What is the "Reference ID (Optional)" field in the CSV templates?

Reference ID is never shown to any agency or form recipient. If you provide a Reference ID, we will use it in the file name of related downloads, and you can use it with our API. Letters, numbers, dash and underscore are allowed, up to 50 characters.

I'm missing data fields after importing - why?

Track1099 retrieves all the information that our Partners allow online. Anything missing means that they do not allow us to retrieve that information.

Tax Pro Teams

How do we sign up as a team?

Have the Team Leader sign up first and select "I lead a Team". After sign up, there are instructions on how to invite team members.

What type of team member roles do you have?

Team members can either be "Admins" or not admins. Admins are allowed full team privileges as if they were the Team Leader. Colleagues who are not admins can only see the data for the Payers to which they are assigned.

Can I have a single team credit card that everyone uses?

Yes. You may also use a separate credit for individual Payers, if you don't want to use the company card for everyone.

Does every form that the team files count towards volume pricing?


I'm trying to Invite a Team Member and it says their account already exists. What do I do?

It means the team member did not use the invitation email to sign up, but rather signed up on their own. Both the Team Leader and team member must email requesting that the team member be added to the Team Leader's team. We will have to connect them manually.

How are team members assigned to Payers?

Each team member may upload or create a Payer and their Recipients. From the All Payers dashboard, the Team Leader or Admin clicks Assign on the far right column of each Payer's name to assign team members. Team members that have been given the "Admin" role will automatically be able to see and edit all Payer/Recipients across the entire team.

What does it mean if a team member is an "Admin"?

Admin team members have full access to the account - including seeing all receipts, working on all payers and forms, and adding other team members. Regular team members can only work on payers that are assigned to them.

How do I change the name or email on the Team Leader account?

Login, select Account in the upper right corner menu, then enter the current password. You can change the email to any email that does not already exist on our system. You cannot change the email to a current account. Instead, you should consider a team leader account such as "" to avoid personnel issues in the future.

If I de-activate an email, can I make that the team leader?

No, even though de-activated, the email still exists on our system. You have to pick a completely new email.

Steps to split a team member off from you account

Only the account owner/team lead can split off a team member.

  1. Log in to the team lead account.
  2. Navigate to the gear icon in the upper right corner and click the name.
  3. Then navigate to the 'User & Permissions' tab.
  4. Click the 'Assign' button next to the user they want to split off. Ensure that ONLY the payers the user should take with them are assigned. If the person should be split with no payers then they make sure no payers are selected.
  5. Then in the left panel make sure the ONLY permission selected is 'Access only what's specifically assigned, create new payers'.
  6. Click 'Save Permissions'.
  7. Then next to that same user there is a 'Split Off' button. Click that and follow the instructions to split off the desired user.

How do I assign a company which should be split off with the departing user?

In the W-9 portion of the app it's possible to add or edit a company. In the Access column there is the 'Assign' button. After it being clicked a modal pops up to make a selection and assign companies to colleagues.

How do I merge two teams?

Choose which team leader will become the new, main team leader for both teams. Both team leaders will email with permission to add the secondary team and all team members to the new team leader.

Payments and Receipts

Where do I get a receipt?

Please login, click on the gear icon in the upper right corner and select Receipts. We group receipts according to transactions and a summary with each Payer. You can download a CSV with your Payers and transactions.

Why doesn't my emailed receipt match the charges on my credit card?

Because we split out transaction by each Payer, if you paid for two Payers at the same time, the larger charge will show up on your card, but it will be split into two line items on your Receipts page. The Transaction ID will be duplicated and that reflects that these payments were done together.

Why am I getting an annual charge for $9, $59, $199 or $399?

You have a subscription to our online W-9 service and we renew it automatically each year. To cancel, login, select Account -> Credit Card tab ->scroll to the bottom and Cancel.

I deleted recipients after I paid to have them e-filed, but before they were sent to the IRS. Can I get a refund?

You are automatically refunded when you delete records after they've been scheduled for e-file, but before they are sent to the IRS.

Why is my credit card getting charged a week after I used your site?

We batch small payments and submit them a week later in order to cut down on credit card fees. This does not affect your e-file and is not an extra fee. It was in a Pending state prior to be charged.

My credit card failed and I got an email saying it has to be replaced. How do I do that?

Please login, click on the small gear icon in the upper right corner, select Account and then the credit card tab. Click on the red box that has a failed credit card warning on it. Replace your card. We will automatically try the charge again.

What question can we answer for you today?